August 2020 PD
Technology Education Association of IllinoisFollow us on Social Media: Facebook @teaillinois.org Twitter @TEAIllinois Instagram @teaillinois |
Easy projects to teach coding with VEXs using RobotC programming. RobotC natural language and PLTW natural language will be compared and discussed.
Presented by: Gary Cotie and Don Whitman
Date and Time: Tuesday, August 4 from 6pm-7pm. 100% online
To register, please email Don Whitman whitmad@unit5.org before July 31st. Please include VEX TEAI PD in the subject line.
Please join by computer with the link below:
Description: Donald Whitman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting https://unit5.zoom.us/j/83123466140?pwd=dVhUcnMzQ0YzaEFldDFhS0VqWkJIZz09
Meeting ID: 831 2346 6140
Passcode: 6G9YwD
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
LINK TO SHARE FOLDER: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17PyH0XbnOECv4S9kD16UqIW_rtI3loAn?usp=sharing
LINK TO ZOOM RECORDING: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16AkR6Kv58V-Vf_FpiFTXoIannSn7510h/view?usp=sharing
WE HAVE HAD A Overwhelming number of teachers register - please note the time change to accommodate everyone. Thank you to everyone who has register - the support is great!!!!
Please join us to learn about the changes and updates to the PLTW IED curriculum.
Presented by: Corey Duzan
Date and Time: Tuesday, August 4 from 3pm-5:30pm. 100% online
To register: email Don Whitman at whitmad@unit5.org before July 31st. Please include IED TEAI PD in the subject line.
Join Zoom Meeting https://unit5.zoom.us/j/89076994864?pwd=QjZMRldPRDhTUnRDRHNJUVhQbTZUZz09
Meeting ID: 890 7699 4864
Passcode: 6HGWwN
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
PD Starts ONLINE at 3pm Central Time August Tuesday 4th
Link to PD Presentation: IED Update Training.pptx
Link to PD ZOOM RECORDING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dJtWAxYTz0&feature=emb_logo
Elearning ONSHAPE Instructions and example.pdf